
Sunday Night Songwriter: Laura Marling, "Wild Fire" (With Chris Thile)

allegro2/05/2017 11:40:09 pm PST

I’m gonna get weird now… listening to Loreena (still am) inspired me to pull out my old Tarot cards that I haven’t done in forever. And no, I don’t believe in magic or soothsaying. At all. However the cards have merit kind of in the way a Rorschach test does. The symbolism can lead to insight when explored with inner feelings, fears, hopes. It’s easier reading others than myself, even easier reading strangers than friends/family because there are no preconceptions, though I’m not telling them anything. They tell me through questioning using the cards as tools, the cards giving them “permission” to share some deep stuff, like they think I already know it because the cards told me, so why not spill their guts. I’ve been told I’m psychic when they have an epiphany which always amuses me because they just told me. I tell them this in advance and throughout that they are the ones doing this, not the cards or me, but somehow it still is perceived as “magic” when stuff comes together for them or they have an insight no matter how many times or in how many ways I tell them otherwise.

My reading just now gave me comfort. Helped me to pick apart pieces of the whole, like how to eat an elephant: one bite at a time. I should do this more often.