
Olbermann on Trump's Trip to Texas: "Utter Blindness and Deafness to Human Suffering"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷8/30/2017 12:10:20 pm PDT

I can’t hang around much today you lucky devils, because I have to start making arrangements to get my car repaired after wrecking it last night coming home from the hospital hitting a deer. (Good news, I didn’t have to go back to the hospital.)

Idiots: Hurricane Harvey Caused By Lesbians Witches Katy Perry Abortion Illuminati And Democrats, But NOT CLIMATE CHANGE!!1! (Goes to Wonkette)

In which Rebecca and company put up quotes and videos from conservatives (synonymous with wingnuts) making all these claims.

Funny how if God is trying to warn the USA about Teh Geyh, or abortionplexes, or whatever their hair-on-fire complaint has been every week for all my fifty-seven years, he has singularly bad aim.

If I was a religious person and I believed natural disasters were a sign from a god over disapproval of some behaviour, I would have to conclude that God is trying to get the message through about the evils of conservatism, not Teh Geyh (French Quarter wasn’t flooded in Katrina), Katy Perry (she’s from Santa Barbara originally), or any of their other nonsense.

But I’m an atheist, so I can’t be expected to understand the inscrutable mind of God. /s