
What is your implicit bias toward major religions?

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)10/27/2011 1:17:01 pm PDT

re: #52 Bob Levin

They don’t do that, though. They don’t actually use a reductive, mechanistic nature of consciousness. They assume nothing about consciousness other than the existince of a difference between implicit and explicit attitudes, which is something that can be demonstrated.

Your whole Pavlovian thing is actually making me lose even more respect for you, since i notice you said “Instead of calling it a Pavlovian response, they call it Implicit Associations.” as if they were trying to hide something by doing it. No. They don’t call it a Pavlovian response because it’s not a fucking Pavlovian response.

They are extremely explicit about what their assumptions are, what the limitations are. They caution anyone against using the results of this test to come to any actual conclusions— what they encourage is just reflection, ironically what you claim you want to inspire in people.

And yet you’re content to smear and mock then, dishonoring the names of Popper and other great thinkers to pretend that you’re carrying on their tradition.

Should have quit while you were behind.