
Cain: Black People Will Vote for Me Because I'm Black

OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin11/22/2011 11:08:42 am PST

re: #46 Charles

That doesn’t pertain to my point. He’s intended to legitimize the Republican Party among African American voters, whether he’s the nominee or not. That’s the purpose of a token politician — an appeal to emotion, to try to trick black voters into thinking they’re welcome on the right.

I disagree to a point, Charles. The Rs know they’ll never break The Black Vote™ as long as they cater to white bigots. A Black constituency with sizeable numbers means they have to actually pay attention to the issues that affect us instead of slathering them over with moralist, pie-in-the-sky rhetoric about plantations and escaped slaves.

A Black constituency will also drive the confederates they are desperate to hang on to right into the arms of the Constitution Party or Campaign for Liberty or one of those.

AFAIC, the function of HC is not to attract Black voters or even split or dilute the Black D vote. It’s to validate the confederate views the GOP has articulated for the past generation using the best possible symbol: someone Black instead of some throwback from the Citizens Council.