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Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus1/12/2013 4:57:45 pm PST

Comment right now at the top of the list on that WaPo article:

4:50 PM PST
“We voted to limit the further harm of brain dead Republican economic policies.”

You poor thing. You’re probably all for a trillion-dollar coin to be minted by the Treasury, right? Y’all have a good evening. I want to read about the Title IX housing voucher riots in Detroit today…

Oh, and on that platinum coin thing:

Treasury: Trillion-dollar coin would not be legal

My take on the WaPo these days is that they’ve figured out that they deserve a share of the money the idiot Fox fans have too. The headline writers at WaPo, and the editorial board, is getting far to vested in the ball game of “librul” vs conservative.