
Obama Snubs Medal of Honor Ball

eschew_obfuscation1/21/2009 2:59:44 pm PST

re: #460 freetoken

Well, you’re taking some hits on your karma with your posts… but I sort of agree with them. There are (in my opinion, cogent) criticisms of the inaugural balls, that they harken back to aristocracy and coronations.

Pomp fades away… what remains are laws enacted and the results of policies.

Also, it does seem many self-described conservatives are going for what might be called the “cheap heat” (to borrow a term from that wonderfully characteristically form of American entertainment - professional wrestling) while playing the opponent of Obama. Whether it is his slip of the tongues (57 states) or his alleged perfidy wrt to his religion, place of birth, etc…. all it adds up to is an exercise in polemics.

What really matters, because we are a nation of laws… are laws (and legal precedents), as well as actual executive decisions (in policies in directing Federal agencies, whether they be civilian or military.)

You can no more reduce the nation to a collection of laws and executive decisions that you can reduce human existence to a collection of bones and sinew.

People serve the country because they’re proud of it and want to keep it secure ….. an increasingly outdated concept called patriotism, not merely because they like our collection of laws.

But they won’t continue to volunteer so easily if they are not supported …. and support is more than tanks, and guns …. it includes moral support. What Obama has done in skipping the ball sends a message of a lack of moral support, especially when taken in context with his skipping out on a tour of a military hospital in Germany during his campaign.

I expect more from my commander in chief. As it turns out, that’s no more than I expect from all Americans.