
12 Years Later: Remembering 9/11

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)9/11/2013 12:06:07 pm PDT

Here’s my latest page on an angry-making subject:

A black girl who was accomplished, poised, well-respected, and had a stellar GPA was blocked from joining a sorority which has always been all-white, though not explicitly. The hopeful note is that it was the alumni that drove this, not the current students.

But other sororities don’t allow alumni voting:

“We’re one of the few sororities on campus that alums are allowed in the voting process, which also kind of breaks my heart, because some of the other sororities that didn’t have to deal what we dealt with,” Gotz said. “Why didn’t they take this awesome black girl?”

Post-racial, don’t make me laugh.