
Ben Stein Withdraws As UVM Commencement Speaker

Hhar2/04/2009 12:28:01 pm PST

Excellent, Salamantis, you just demonstrated my point: you are claiming that a unit exists which you cannot empirically define nor separate from a non-meme.

Note: I didn’t bring up giraffe’s necks, nor “gratuitously switched topic”. You brought up giraffe’s necks after I said :”If you claim that there are memes, then they need to be separated from non-memes, but as soon as a person communicates which bits are non-memes, alas, they become memes. Behold: the theory that destroys itself: everything and anything in a culture can be a meme. How incredibly useful.” Nothing in there about giraffes or necks, and your reply again evaded the point: you can neither empirically define what the “unit” is (as distinct from the memeplex), nor distinguish meme from non-meme in a clutural artifact. But you are sure it exists! Why, dawkins has said so! And Dennett! And whatever….jumpin. Think for yourself for bloody once. The obvious is staring you in the face.

If there is anything else completely off topic you want to talk about, go for it. Don’t forget to down ding me!

LOL! Bad opinion! Bad opinion! MUST Punish!