
Volcano Monitors Unite!

fooburger2/26/2009 12:45:47 am PST

I dont’ think this is a valid criticism of Jindal.
His message was difficult to comprehend, sure, but calling volcano monitoring spending ‘stimulus’ *is* a bit far fetched.
Plenty of other things to criticize Jindal on… and maybe his wording should have been more clear: ie, he’s not saying ‘volcano monitoring’ is unworthy.. he’s saying that it’s a ‘federal budget issue’ not a ‘stimulus package issue’.
Obviously, as a stimulus issue, volcano monitoring is some particular congressman’s porcine dream.

But this kind of *very important* spending should come through the normal budget, as a need for volcano monitoring will not go away once the economy has come back.

After some examination, I’m pretty sure that was Jindal’s point. It’s a valid one, even if it was a little tough for people to follow in the whole ‘gotchya’ world. This is going to dog Jindal unfairly for the rest of his career, I believe, just like Palin and the ‘Bush Doctrine’ stupidity.