
Right Wingers Circulate Photoshop Fake of Young Hillary Clinton With a Confederate Flag

Pawn of the Oppressor7/06/2015 8:13:53 pm PDT

It’s funny, if I’m honest with myself… If I’d have met Hillary in the 70’s I’d have liked her too. She seems like one of those interesting friends that you suddenly have a random sexy dream about and you think about asking her out for a week or two… And maybe you do or maybe you don’t, but you don’t look at her the same way ever again.

re: #47 stpaulbear

Truly those were some amazing times in style.

I was born at the very end of the 70’s, but I have childhood memories of goldenrod shag carpet, mustard-yellow and avocado green rotary phones, paisley wallpaper, and bright red corduroys. Some condemn these things as atrocities, but I’ve learned to see them as envelope-pushing. I still get a kick out of the fact that antique stores here in Texas have entire rooms dedicated to 70’s avocado green items.

“What were they thinking??!”, we say. They were thinking “Fuck it, let’s make pink and orange striped pants. We went to the Moon, goddammit!”