
Acoustic Guitar Excellence: New From Antoine Dufour: "Air Ground"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷4/19/2017 12:26:17 am PDT

Oh, here’s a really good bit of batshittery:

As for the Sunkist trademark, what we found was far more sinister. We’ll state the obvious first. A large sun serves as its basis. However, that’s not the half of it. The really scary part is in the word “Sunkist”. Take a look at the lettering. If you pay close attention to the “u”, you’ll notice that it merges with the “n”. When looked at appropriately, the trademark doesn’t say “Sunkist” as most people assume but rather “Sinkist”, which could also be interpreted as “Sin-kist”.

This despicable icon provides a dangerous double dose of Illuminati brainwash. Seeing the sun is one thing, but the typeset is sending subliminal messages telling people to be bad. At this point, if you are not convinced that the Illuminati is real, then we strongly urge you to reconsider your opinion. The abundance of symbols that assault your senses on a daily basis are not accidental coincidences. They are a means to control your mind.

Bruce, Illuminati Watchdog 5 Comments [4/8/2017 5:02:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
WTF?! || meh