
Christian Patriarchy Movement Shackles Daughters to Fathers, Homes

Mad Prophet Ludwig11/30/2010 4:24:07 pm PST

re: #48 Obdicut

In addition, we do have other historical sources available to us for figuring out what life was like for ancient Israelites, and, as Sergey pointed out, anthropologists could build a picture of how the law was interpreted and used without needing the oral tradition.

So seriously, how would they make Tefillin? How would they bind them or know when to. What about the laws of mikveh or kashrut?

There is no way the could do this, and without understanding these things you are removing core observance.

As to what it was like for people back in the day, any legal code needs an interpretation no matter how “clear” people think it is. There is a reason why the constitution is so short, but the legal theory behind it is so long for example. Without that leagl tradition and an understanding of it, you got nothing.