
Holder to Appoint Prosecutor for CIA Terror Investigations

Captain Stormfield8/24/2009 2:47:48 pm PDT

Does anyone feel manipulated? Look at the level of rhetoric this trial balloon has has elicited from all here - and really it’s a non-story. What a touch point. Not that any innocent children were actually threatened but that an interrogator was heard making this cause and effect threat to a really evil example of humanity. All of the theorizing about right or wrong is not germane to the release of this “maybe happened horrible deed”; what is important is that it is serving its purpose. Folks, I’ve been reading this blog for a number of years and I have always been impressed with the intelligent and often humorous level of give and take within the community and also the fervor that Charles addresses his areas of concern, but this should be taken for what it is and the Obama administration has floated this to energize his base and distract from his failings. You should be much more concerned with his willingness to destroy.