
Breitbart Shocked, Shocked to Find That Birtherism is Going on at TeaBagCon

jamesfirecat2/06/2010 7:43:08 pm PST

re: #546 Buck

In this case it isn’t about being Jewish, or even supporting Israel. It is about the left (in this case Kerry and Code Pink) supporting Hamas oppression against gays. Much like imaginary support for an Uganda anti homosexual bill by evangelical pastor Rick Warren. Even after Warren asked a group of pastors in Uganda to speak out against the country’s Anti-Homosexuality bill.

However, when Sean Penn, Cindy Sheehan, Micheal Moore or Danny Glover supports governments who are actively oppressing gays, when these useful idiots never speak out against the oppressive governments, but instead praise them… we are to ignore it. Minimize it. Pretend it away.

Uganda! they scream. As if gays in Iran/Venezuela/Cuba don’t count.

Do the democrats directly support or try to preach that gays should be punished in those places?