
Texas Education Board Chair Wants Schools to Teach "Another Side" to Evolution

BongCrodny2/06/2013 12:54:16 pm PST

re: #521 Kragar

Alabama lawmaker pushing ‘personhood’ because ‘aborted babies’ might go to Hell

“Just based on the Scripture alone, the Psalm that talks about God knowing us before he placed us in our mother’s womb, is enough for me to know that that is a life inside of a mother,” he said.

Okay, let me see if I’m understanding this here:

1. God knows us before we are born.
2. Sends our soul to some woman, who
3. Has an abortion,
4. Thus condemning us to hell?

You’d think God could just eliminate the middleman and send us all to hell without all that waiting time.

As far as wingnut logic goes, this guy McGill makes Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 plan look like the Magna Carta.