
Trump Fans Circulate Fake Photo of NFL Players Burning a US Flag

Sir John Barron9/29/2017 12:01:29 pm PDT

re: #45 Sir John Barron

The opposite side to this, I hate to admit since I’m a fan, is that the NFL, college football, and perhaps most big coliseum team sports generally, have been propped up by the right wing for decades. That the underlying culture of these games is in fact quite reactionary. It doesn’t necessarily have to be that way, but as it’s been constructed, the Professional Sports Industrial Complex (I include college sports in this as well) is a Frankenstein monster of violence, dominance, fundamentalist religion, misogyny, and overall social control. And like much of America’s wealth in the 18th and 19th centuries, it’s being built largely on the back of black labor.

I’ve had some awareness of this over the years but have tried to suppress that awareness. The current Trumpified political climate has made that denial more difficult.