
Did Reuters Crop a Photo to Remove a Peace Activist's Weapon?

b_sharp6/06/2010 1:26:18 pm PDT

re: #518 Cato the Elder

I think you are about to get virtually beaten into a pulp, but that could just be speculation on my part.

Why, because I happened to mention the bull shit speculations going on here about a situation we know nothing about?

The wound is on his hand. It is probably a defensive wound against anything from a pipe to a knife, although it probably isn’t the knife in the photo. That knife was probably taken from the marine and used to cut his pack off. It looks like he was being dragged up steps which probably pulled his pants down and since hand injuries spew blood like crazy the blood on his belt is probably from him trying to pull his pants back up. His eyes are focused on the man holding his wrist, not the knife, so he probably does not consider the man with the knife as big of a threat as the man holding him down. The blood on his face is not from being punched but from his hand. And yes, my interpretation could be wrong.

Instead of trying as hard as possible to make the scene fit as evil a situation as you would like to believe by injecting illogical and far-fetched speculations, use a bit of Occam’s razor and come to the simplest conclusion.

You will note, or maybe you won’t, your hate seems all consuming right now, that I have not justified the actions of the Turks, nor have I excused them for beating the shit out of defenceless marines.