
Texas State Agency Censors Environmental Report, Removing Climate Change References

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus10/12/2011 9:09:15 pm PDT

re: #532 Gus 802

IMO your Page is well done and you’ve accumulated enough evidence to open an investigation, even if we can not come to a conclusion yet.

The only thing that might make the Page a bit less susceptible to needing to re-edit later would be to add a question mark at the end of the title.

Now, continuing with my arm-chair sociolog-i-zing, I think the correlation between the demographics in the more strenuous (i.e., gun-totting) Tea Party groups with the rash of dispossessed/disenfranchised/marginalized white middle age male violence (with guns) is something that needs to be looked at closely.