
And Now for Something Completely Different: Green Day's "American Idiot," 1940s Wartime Style

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷1/31/2017 10:31:31 am PST

Interesting. My wife is watching an article on RT. It would appear that they are reporting that Donald Trump is acting unconstitutionally over his Muslim ban. They are also reporting what has been reported elsewhere, that this could be a trial run for a coup: to see how far government agencies are willing to ignore the courts or laws.

They are interviewing a staffer from Bill Clinton’s administration now. They are even reporting on the dossier on Trump and pointing out that Trump, Bannon, Flynn are bigots and the real “bad hombre” and maybe even Paul Ryan looting the public coffers under all the chaos.

Question: trying to be magic balance fairy, throwing Trump under the bus? Something else?