
The Republican Modus Tollens - Logic, Facts, and Policies

(I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)9/25/2011 3:45:37 am PDT

re: #554 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

But you haven’t done that.

Yes, I did. You just chose to ignore it, the Buck way. That’s fine.

Instead, you’ve expressed some nebulous grudge about something I did or said in some vague past.

No, I didn’t. What actually happened was that you invented some grudge I alledgedly have to deflect from the actual objections against your fallacies. That’s fine, too. I’m used to it from you now.

You keep saying that, I suppose in hopes that it will magically become true.

lol, the projection is delicious.

Why not finish the thought you started?
