
This one is for the atheists

Nyet5/11/2015 3:13:16 pm PDT

re: #54 EiMitch

Are you effing kidding me? How many theists claim to witness/document the occurrence of miracles that are at least hypothetically distinguishable from natural events?

Your constant moving of the goalposts is tiring. It doesn’t matter in the slightest whether they themselves claim to have experienced something like this. Many still believe he does these things, including miracles through saints, magical impossible healings (incl. resurrections), apparitions and so on. See the whole Bible thing, you know. God appearing on Earth, doing miracles and stuff. Quite the opposite of the thing-in-itself you want him to be in the eyes of the believers. And for the third time, even if you were right about the more popular concept (and you’re obviously not) it doesn’t matter in the slightest, since I wasn’t talking about what concept was the most popular in the first place, so it’s just your strawman. This is so dumb that it’s a waste of time arguing about it further.

I point out that your arguments are based on disagreements of definition. Then you accuse me of accusing you of being inconsistent. If that’s the part which is making less and less sense, then it’s your own fault. Seriously, of all the things I’ve said in this thread, this is what you refer to as “dark sayings”?

I’m not sure you yourself understand what your point is anymore.