
The Chemical Brothers - Eve of Destruction

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷6/11/2019 10:54:07 pm PDT

re: #4 Anymouse 🌹

Rant number one (the one that will probably offend a bunch of people), about a discussion on another site. Behind the hide bar so you don’t have to see if you wish to pass on that. A lesson in stereotyping: It’s okay unless you gore my ox.

In a discussion on another blog, people were discussing the voting patterns of various groups/types of people in the 2016 election. For the record, I voted for Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine, myself for village board, a Libertarian for state auditor, and left the whole rest of the ballot blank because there was no one to vote for but unchallenged Republicans.

It was noted that white men went in a big way for Donald Trump. “I’m sorry you’re part of that demographic, but you’ll have to accept that your demographic is shitty” (and by extension, I am somehow both part of that and partly responsible for that).

It came in fast. “Baby boomers went in a big way for Trump.” (I am a tail-end baby boomer so I am responsible for all baby boomers.) “Non-college educated went in a big way for Trump. Rural people went in a big way for Trump.” &c &c. I became the liberal punching bag for every demographic who voted for Trump, even though they know I did not.

So I hunted up the Pew Research statistics for exit polling by religious faith (as Evangelicals are frequently hammered over hypocrisy for voting for Trump).

As it turns out, every Christian religious faith voted more for Republicans in 2016 than they did in 2012, with the exception of Mormons (Democrats posted a modest gain of a few percent with them).

On the other hand, there was a massive swing of Jews, other faiths, and atheists and nones to Democrats (atheists and nones moved by over 20%). I suggested if I could be painted with the “sins” of all those other demographics (white, male, boomer, uneducated), then the Christians at that site (Mormons excepted) could be painted with the same.

Oh man did I get pilloried for that. “You bigot, how dare you attack my religious faith, &c.” (I wasn’t attacking religious faith, just voting patterns, the same as they with other groups.)

It turns out when your own group’s ox is gored with Trump, you get really testy.

Thus endeth a lesson in stereotyping. Don’t dare do it to the religious.