
A Soulful Live Performance by Marcus King at Paste Studio NYC [VIDEO]

TedStriker10/27/2019 6:56:44 pm PDT

re: #43 The Pie Overlord!

Look how Trump’s face changes when he realizes an entire stadium is booing him

— Arlen Parsa (@arlenparsa) October 28, 2019

re: #48 Charles Johnson

At the end of this clip, Melania seems to be catching on that those aren’t cheers she’s hearing.

— Charles Johnson’s Red Right Hand (@Green_Footballs) October 28, 2019

re: #49 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

look at them squirm. Those smiles scream of “get me the fuck outta here”

At the very least, Melania knows that, if she and Donald were somewhere in her native neck-of-the-woods in the good ol’ days and this was happening, some real shit was fixing to go down, with them being on the receiving end.