
Yasser Arafat Probably Poisoned by Polonium, Swiss Review Concludes

Rightwingconspirator11/07/2013 9:27:18 am PST

re: #62 Bubblehead II

>Po-210 has a half-life of 138 days. This is the time it takes for the activity to decrease by half due to a process of radioactive decay. Po-210 decays to stable lead-206 by emitting alpha particles, accompanied by very low intensity gamma rays. The majority of the time Po-210 decays by emission of alpha particles only, not by emission of an alpha particle and a gamma ray. Only about one in a 100,000 decays results in the emission of a gamma ray. Alpha spectroscopy is the best method of measuring this isotope.

Source IAEA

And they got this from a corps, how many years old?

Something stinks. And it’s not the corps.

I took a long look at the report. You what theory the report supports exactly as well as the Israeli theory?

Take this as snark people not a proposal.
Arafat was murdered by his wife. She had financial motive, opportunity, was seen with Arafat…