
President Apologizes for Air Force One Overflight

kay12124/28/2009 10:43:52 am PDT

re: #38 alegrias


Specter says he’s a model GOP member who can win elections. Blames Republicans for cannibalizing themselves.

Handing the Democrats a majority.

I’d say he’s a politician for life willing to do whatever it takes, to stay in power. And the Dems have promised him rewards for switching, like when they wooed Mr. Jeffords to switch in 2001, and flip majorities to favor the Dems and away from Pres. Bush’s GOP majority.

I see the Specter defection as total validation for what Charles has been trying to warn and speak about for many months. { I’ve skipped down most of the posts so I apologize if all of this has already been discussed}. The Republican party is so far right they are alienating the majority of the electorate. The Creationist/ID bills they keep trying to sponsor are not only a throwback for science education but they violate the separation of church and state. The craziness exhibited by Glenn Beck and others is only entertaining to those who have lost all sense of balance. One of the major planks of the Republican party was spending restraint and we lost all sight of that over the last eight years. The Democrats are much worse on the spending issues but we lost the right to say we were fiscally responsible. Obama is completely out to lunch on taxes and social welfare and pork but there was no way to know if the entire banking system was going to have a run on it and he wisely continued Bush’s policies to re-inflate the system. I just hope they know when to pull that back. While I appreciate the Tea Party ideals, I think that began with Rick Santelli on CNBC when he mentioned protesting all the spending but he didn’t like the banks being bailed out either and was particularly incensed that day about the mortgage forbearance being given to all those people who bought too much house and have too many credit cards.

Charles has been saying that the middle ground needs to be recaptured by someone and that the Republicans were hurting themselves by traveling too far right. Zombie was actually trying to define the name for a party that would encompass what most of us think. It’s been clear that the Republicans are setting themselves up for disaster and defections are only a symptom of the problem.