
Overnight Open Thread

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)3/24/2010 7:56:32 am PDT

re: #562 darthstar

You’re guessing. And I don’t agree. I guess that they would have continued to make noise and protest, unless someone they liked and respected convinced them freedom was better served by going and doing something constructive while she spoke— like collecting for the CCLU.*

Coulter loves that this happened. It gets her attention and sells books. She’ll get to go talk to Bill O’Reilly again, and lord, it will have been so awful…those crazy angry liberals—she probably thought they would kill her!

Yes. She does love that this happened. That’s a good point.

I’ve been an activist. I know how we can be in a crowd. I also know that people who are vehemently opposed to hate speech aren’t exactly violent people. Annoying at times, yes, but we’re not exactly violent.

I’ve been an activist. I’m vehemently opposed to hate speech. I just prefer constructive activism rather than confrontational activism.

*no idea if that actually exists.