
Shock News: Lance Armstrong Admits Doping to Oprah

Kragar1/15/2013 10:40:07 am PST

Anne, you crazy fucked up bitch…

Coulter: ‘Not a gun problem,’ U.S. has ‘demographic problem’ with non-whites

“As you know, I just got back from England,” Coulter explained. “On the gun crimes, we keep hearing how low they are in Europe and, ‘Oh, they’re so low and they have no guns.’ If you compare white populations, we have the same murder rate as Belgium.”

“So, perhaps, it’s not a gun problem, it is a demographic problem, which liberals are the one are pushing, pushing, pushing, ‘Let’s add more [African-American mass murderer] Colin Fergusons and more whoever the [Muslim] guy was who shot up Fort Hood.’ Why are they coming in to begin with?”

Coulter suggested that if President Barack Obama decided to use an executive order to ban high-capacity magazines then the next Republican president should respond by banning “abortionists and abortion clinics.”