
And Now, Naked Mole Rat Puppies

Amory Blaine2/15/2014 11:37:57 pm PST

Milwaukee Talk Radio Goes Too Far

Rob Carson, a Charlie Sykes show fill-in host right now on the state’s largest AM radio station, posed this question as he went into the 9:30 a.m. break: “Do you think Barack Obama is unimpeachable because of his race?”

Carson says Obama borders on psychotic.

9:54 a.m. “Color of his skin” card is back in play. Says Obama is “a radical socialist…hates this country…has done a lot of damage…the Emperor is not only naked, he’s standing on stage with background singers… Stalinist…frightening “

Says if you disagree with him, Obama will jail you.

James Rowan has a good blog on the local Wisconsin environment.