
New From Seth Meyers: "It Must Really Suck to Be That Dumb" [VIDEO]

ObserverArt4/12/2019 5:37:52 am PDT

re: #55 Targetpractice

It’s rather sad that a lot of the critics were right, that as soon as the DNC got the House majority, the leadership started yanking on the leash. “No no, no more talk about impeachment. Or about actually confronting his policies. Or about anything in general that would offend the moderates. We’ll pin our hopes on the public understanding that Donny is a lying bastard with stuff to hide.”

I don’t think you are giving enough consideration to how the media reports on the Democrats talking about impeachment and holding Trump responsible.

They always put it into split politics context because the Democrats get no support from any single Republican. So it all becomes party politics and this country needs to move past that and work together, blah, blah, blah.

I think the Democrats are being cagey. If they get the goods I think they will make the move. But it has to be almost 100% irrefutable or it will get played as politics, not needed to protect our constitution.

As a matter of fact, when was the last time you heard anyone in the media say anything about the strain Trump is putting on the Constitution?

Yeah it sucks. But it is not good times in the political world.