
Just Another Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week of Gun Violence | Full Frontal on TBS

Jay C8/10/2019 6:13:58 am PDT

re: #52 b.d.

This guy tried to kill himself last week and he wasn’t under a suicide watch?

Something stinks. He had to have help somehow, paid for a guard to smuggle him in drugs or a rope or something.

Yeah: the “suicide watch” must not have been watching very closely///

But this is weird beyond weird: not that a sleaze like Epstein is going to be greatly missed: but I wonder how (if?) his demise is going to affect all those pending cases.
One presumes there is a lot of evidence that won’t need corroboration from the late pedophile…

Oh well, at least Trump won’t have to embarrass himself with a Presidential Pardon for Epstein now.