
National Review Writer: Newtown Caused by Not Enough Manly Men

Kragar12/19/2012 1:26:12 pm PST

Tea Party Nation: Train Teachers in SWAT Teams to Fight Hamas

In his initial response to the shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, Tea Party Nation president Judson Phillips emailed members an article about the massacre which sharply criticized teachers and urged government to cripple teachers’ unions and place guards like George Zimmerman at every school. Today, Phillips emailed out a piece arguing that it should “be required that all teachers and other staff be armed and in trained in SWAT” because Americans should worry about “the bloodbath you may well see if Iranian and Hamas agents go en masse into the schools of this nation.”

The TPN article also attacked teachers as “abject pacifist cowards” and liberals for allegedly “dancing gleefully in the blood of victims” in order to help the government “enslave” Americans through forcible disarmament.

I imagine the idea came to Philips as he masturbated to Red Dawn.