
Friday Afternoon Open

Varek Raith3/17/2012 8:48:44 am PDT

Alien World To Help Out Syria Since This One Refuses To

IMPERIAL CITY, PLANET ZARKLOM 12—Frustrated by “the astonishing incapacity of earthlings to halt the rampant slaughter of their own kind” in Syria, the emperor of Zarklom 12 announced Wednesday he had no choice but to dispatch his own intergalactic forces from 3 million light years away to end the senseless bloodshed.

From his floating palace within his gaseous planet’s swirling clouds of blue-green ammonia, Supreme Emperor and Dynastic Overlord Thuu’l told reporters that while the human race appeared willing to sit idly by, the planet of Zarklom 12 could no longer turn a blind eye to the mounting casualties in the yearlong uprising against President Bashar al-Assad.

“We have monitored the ongoing violence in the region of your world known as Syria, and we find ourselves as disgusted by your reluctance to stop it as we are horrified by the deaths themselves,” said Thuu’l, an oily, amoeba-like creature who held in his pseudopod a U.N. report indicating al-Assad’s forces have killed more than 7,500 civilians. “It’s unbearable to watch even from the far end of the Triangulum Galaxy, and yet you who dwell upon the same planet continue to tolerate it. How is that possible?”

“We understand your species is primitive, but surely even your simplistic, half-formed consciences recognize that this cannot be allowed,” Thuu’l continued. “Regardless, we have no choice but to take matters into our own hands. Our stellar armada is already on its way. Please do not distract our vessels with your air defenses.”