
Oscar Night Open

SanFranciscoZionist2/28/2011 10:03:14 am PST

re: #403 kirkspencer

One of the interesting things to watch right now is the entry dance. It’s reminiscent of penguins on the ice flow. First into the water gets the best fish — or eaten if Orca’s about. First to announce gets a big boost, but also gets savaged by the press.

Worth pointing out — by Feb 28, 2007 the following people had formally declared their candidacy:
- Rudy Guiliani (Feb 15)
- Duncan Hunter (Jan 25)
- Mike Huckabee (Jan 28)
- Mitt Romney (Feb 7)

Mccain announced he would run on the 28th of Feb, but he didn’t formally announce (file the papers) till April 25. Paul’s declaration was the 12th of March, and the only other formal declaration, Fred Thompson, wasn’t till September 22.

Read something by a woman writing for the WSJ—Noemie something? Can’t recall—who basically said that the up-and-coming class, which will be ready to run in the next round, is so much a better line-up that basically, the Republicans’ best shot is to run someone neutral, hope he doesn’t win, and then come back hard for 2016.