
Another Trump Supporter Charged With Assaulting Protester in Tucson

jaunte3/20/2016 4:17:39 pm PDT

Fox news, encouraging violence:

Fox regular, Sheriff David Clarke, of Milwaukee, inserted himself into Trump protests in Arizona and New York, urging, “reasonable force by law enforcement” and also “law-abiding citizens standing up for their Constitutional right. … I’m not encouraging them to start the fight but I’m one of those that comes from the school of if a fight is inevitable, hit first and hit hard.”

“CLARKE: The daily press has misidentified them from the beginning and they do so intentionally. The liberal mainstream media’s nothing more than a propaganda wing for the Democrat Party. I identified these individuals for who they really are well over a year ago. I call ‘em anarchists. It’s a conglomeration of misfits. You have rowdy juveniles, you have criminals, you have cop haters, you have university students, you have organized labor and there’s a spattering of well-intentioned people who are being used in this and put out front to put on a good face.

This is a dangerous movement. It is a totalitarian movement. We should not soft-shoe this. They only understand one thing, Tucker, and it’s force. And I’m talking about reasonable force by law enforcement but I’m also talking about law-abiding citizens standing up for their Constitutional right and not have their Constitutional rights trampled on at these rallies. I’m not encouraging them to start the fight but I’m one of those that comes from the school of if a fight is inevitable, hit first and hit hard.”