
Silly Walks and Weird Dancing in the "Weird Part of the Night" - Louis Cole

austin_blue11/29/2018 10:51:50 pm PST

re: #48 Mattand

I’ve actually seen more California Condors in the wild than I have owls, believe or not.

I’m sure they’re around here, given all the other wildlife that amazingly lives in our development. I’d imagine I have to get closer to the Pine Barrens to see them.

Man, I live two blocks south of Barton Springs Road on the south side of downtown Austin. It’s an easy walk into the urban core.

Surprising (and some not so) animals I have seen on my street:

Possums, Raccoons, Gray Foxes, ‘Dillos, Coyotes, Whitetail Deer, Western Diamondbacks, Barred Owls, Great Horned Owls, Screechers, Cooper’s Hawks, Coral Snakes, Ring-tailed Cats.

We are freaking abutting downtown, but we have two urban creeks a block and a half east and west of us that are animal highways.

Oh, the rattlesnake I found dead on the street was six and a half feet long with a head the size of your fist.