
Seth Meyers: Trump Tweets Racist Attacks on Elijah Cummings Amid Investigations

Dr Lizardo7/30/2019 5:04:45 am PDT

re: #55 HappyWarrior

Yeah I think so too. Nationalism is going to really hurt us all in the long run.

Steve Bannon was right about one thing; the current wave of economic nationalism we’re seeing is a reaction to globalization. The chief problem is that the innumerable gains that globalism have wrought have not been adequately distributed - the vast majority of the gains have gone almost entirely to the top of the pyramid, while screwing everyone else.

Until this is addressed - and that’s no easy task because the folks at the top of the pyramid will start screaming OMG YOU’RE TALKING GODLESS BOLSHEVISM!!” - nothing is going to improve overall. If anything, it’s likely to get worse as that economic nationalism quickly becomes ethno-nationalism (we’re seeing that already) and from there, to an outright democidal/genocidal governing philosophy as that becomes acceptable as a “final solution” to economic inequality.