
Video: Israel's Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Blesses Glenn Beck Event

CuriousLurker8/15/2011 3:51:48 pm PDT

re: #57 Bob Levin

You didn’t watch the video. Beck is sitting in an easy chair, doing his teary thing and talking about how he read the Book of Ruth and the Book of Esther. The rabbi is asking him what he would like him to do. Beck describes the event. The rabbi is polite, and says that he’d be pleased to come, if his schedule permits. Somehow, Beck Productions puts this on Youtube with the heading that the Head Ashkenazi Rabbi blesses his event. I can’t even imagine how such a mix-up could occur.

I watched it. Around 3:53-4:15 The Rabbi says:

…and when they hear from here what is going on, it’s important to us, such an event. And God will bless you for all you did. I’m sure that you do a very important job, and if I could be able to look to the heaven, a lot of angels are smiling for you.

That sounds like a blessing to me, or at least close enough for Beck to claim it as such.