
Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller to Appear Alongside EDL's Tommy Robinson

Kragar6/12/2012 10:43:28 am PDT

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Gingrich: ‘Yes,’ Romney’s Policies Will Lead To ‘Fewer Teachers’

During an interview with CNN’s John King on Monday evening, Romney campaign surrogate Newt Gingrich defended Mitt Romney’s resistance to hiring “more firemen, more policemen, more teachers” and admitted that the former Massachusetts governor’s policy would lead to less teachers in the classroom:

KING: The president says use federal dollars to help. Governor Romney says no. […]

GINGRICH: We have to come to grips with how big the challenge is, and does that mean there will be fewer teachers? The honest answer is yes. Does it mean that you’re not going to get quite the same pension plan people have been getting? The honest answer is yes. President Obama may say well, we can borrow our way out of that decision. I don’t think the American people agree with him.