
Mission Statement of the Day

tsionguy2/17/2009 6:07:12 pm PST

re: #575 Cato the Elder

Thank you for your honesty. Now let’s deconstruct your statements.
1) “plenty of Israelis who would disagree with you…”
That’s not an argument, but I can find many more Israelis who agree with me.
2) “whatever Israelis can grab and hold before a negotiated agreement..”
You accuse total strangers of stealing land that you have never seen and know nothing about. You mindlessly repeat propaganda you have heard, without making even a feeble attempt at verifying these accusations. I can show you several examples of settlements, deep in the West Bank, that were bought and paid for. The Palestinians want to drive all the Jews out. The Palestinian Authority has decreed that selling land to Jews is a crime punishable by death. How does this square with your sense of justice?
3) “There was nothing anti-Semitic about the withdrawal from Gaza…”
Well, what can I say. One man’s anti-semitism is another man’s justice.
Your turn.