
ABC News vs. the Euthanasia Death Panels

iceweasel8/15/2009 8:51:08 pm PDT

re: #582 retief_99

For your consideration,

First of all, WND is better known as WingNut Daily, home to nirther rumours and generally a clearing house of crazy for the right.

Second, that article is, to put it kindly, shit.

Thirdly, “prominent pro-life activist Jill Stanek” they mention is actually “very well-known anti-choice liar Jill Stanek”. You may remember her from such lifetime movies as A DINGO ET MAH BAYBE! and NOT WITHOUT MY ZYGOTE.

Sorry for the snark. Seriously, you never want to read anything from WND, or post it anywhere, or believe anything Jill Stanek says about anything.