
Outrageous Outrage of the Day

ElCapitanAmerica5/06/2010 6:14:29 pm PDT

Charles, I think you’re wrong about this.

As a naturalized immigrant from Latin America, I do find it outrageous that some students had to hide the US flag because it was 5 de Mayo. If this upsets students of Mexican descent, that is their problem not the problem of the ones wearing the US flag. Were the students wearing the flag trying to provoke a reaction? Probably, but the burden of tolerance is on the other side, we shouldn’t treat the US flag as an incendiary symbol … specially in our own country!!!

And 5 de Mayo doesn’t really compare to the 4th of July, it isn’t the day of independence of Mexico (that’s Sept. 16). Actually, 5 de Mayo doesn’t really mean much to anybody outside of Mexico and ironically the US.

In my country we even had a law (probably still in place), that if you show the US flag (or any other flag) you need to show the native flag of our country side by side. So in this sense, the US is pretty liberal about this already, we don’t need to make up unnecessary restrictions at school.

This doesn’t help at all.