
ADL Condemns Remarks by Geert Wilders

Cato the Elder4/30/2009 9:36:22 pm PDT

re: #575 medaura18586

Been there, doing that… No easy way to build your worldview from the vacuum left when everything you thought you knew crumbled… Truth is so complicated and nuanced we can approach it only through approximations. Not falling under the spell of blanket statements and collective judgments is a first healthy step toward regaining solid footing.

Or, you can cling to your fantasized image of the enemy - the next clan over, the tribe beyond the forest, the anthropophagi over the sea, the devils from the nether realm - and lump everybody who looks like that into your mental concentration camp. Encircle your threatened ego/tribe/race/religion/Volk with razor-wire hate, ideological antipersonnel mines, festering moats of prejudice. Gather up allies among all the other diseased hate-freaks who happen to detest the same main focus of your paranoia, even if they really hate you too, just a little bit less than they hate your scary bugbear. Design a flag, make a motto, build a fort, set the guards, enlist foot soldiers, draft a manifesto. Lastly, scream “traitor” when someone suggests that there might be more to life than nightmares of imminent doom and dreams of yourself as the superhuman rescuer. Make sure you never stop looking at the snuff videos and angst porn that keeps you hyped on negative hormones.

And then wonder why all your new friends seem to disappear when the battle shifts to another ground.

Oh, and yell a lot. That eases the tension, for a minute or two. Then yell some more. Or blog.

Don’t forget the CAPS LOCK key!

Talkin’ ‘bout you, PG…