
Video: George Zimmerman's Friend Joe Oliver Grilled on 'The Last Word'

Birth Control Works3/27/2012 9:46:51 pm PDT

re: #56 funky chicken

Oh, I think a cop would be facing more consequences than Zimmerman right now. Perhaps they would be internal investigations, paid and then unpaid leave, and likely demotion or job loss which would take time. And the victim’s parents could sue the city and win millions. That wouldn’t bring their son back, but someone would be held responsible.

I’ve read that Zimmerman has a history of prior arrests. I’m not sure if that’s true or just internet rumor, but it will be very interesting to see if this guy was just a nut who was going to snap eventually or not. It would also be interesting to see if his prior arrests involved confrontations with minorities or not.

But bottom line, the guy stalked and killed somebody.

I think he has a documented history of “anger management” issues.