
Jon Stewart on Senate Republicans: Please Tell Me This Is Rock Bottom

Big Steve12/06/2012 12:48:23 pm PST

well to balance fairy the partisanship…Tuesday the Supreme Court had a 8-0 ruling (Kagen recusing) on a takings case. Decision on Arkansas Game Commission

Arkansas Game and Fish owns a wildlife management area. There is an Army Corp Dam. The dam releases water according to a schedule. But periodically at the request of farmers the Corp deviates and releases water during peak growing season. However this then floods the forested area of which there are logging rights. The charge was that this was a takings violation meaning the action of the government negatively impacted commercial value and was a taking of property. Lower courts argued that the temporary nature trumped the takings laws. The Supreme Court over-ruled and said even temporary measures could constitute taking. I heard absolutely nothing about this in the media. However does this mean, for example, if a city government closes a road for repair and affects business owners temporarily, those businesses have a takings claim?