
Overnight Open Thread

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)3/09/2010 8:22:57 am PST

re: #574 Aceofwhat?

Then the converse would hold - which is different than what you implied - that being staunchly pro-Israel can be converted into at least partial credit for being supportive of the Jewish faith and race.

I’m not sure how that works. Israel should also be supported by the US because it’s a free democracy surrounded by dictators, oligarchies, and theocracies. I take your point, which is that the US is willing to say openly that attacks on Israel are motivated by hatred of Jews, and that is good of the US to do— but what would you think of the US if it didn’t?

I think that people in the US think that Israel is slightly more dependent on the US for protection than it actually is, also.

I’m not trying to bag on the US— I love this country— or Christians, really. I’m just pointing out that the world as a whole, including the US and Christians, still has huge streaks of antisemitism in them, and that recently in the US there has been a movement towards more aggressive forms of Christianity that are very worrying to the US Jewish community. I’m sorry if anything I’ve said sounds at all harsh.