
ACORN CEO's Press Release

Flyers19749/16/2009 4:49:18 pm PDT

re: #576 LudwigVanQuixote

I am with you completely up until the end.

To call the modern GOP, the party of LIncoln when it absorbed the hardline Dixiecrats is just false. On racial issues the GOP and the Dems have completely inverted their historical roles. It started with isolationist and social Darwinist big league Reps (think Ford, Eddison etc…) in the twenties-fourties and the rise of politics of fear from McCarthyism, on the one side, and the Dem intellectual base moving to the progressive North on the other. It ended when Texas, Georgia and all the Old south went firmly GOP because they hated Kennedy and Johnson for civil rights.

As to Sharpton et al. Yes they are creeps. Yes they are shamelessly promoting the suffering of their own people for their own ends. They do not take away from the facts of the GOP’s dark side or checkered past. For the GOP to think for a minute that they do not have a losing hand that they are making worse on the issue of minority relations is utterly stupid.

Poor execution on my part in expressing what I was trying to say. If all one sees is the end of slavery in 1865 and Sharpton, etc…, today, you’re going to have a skewed view of social programs and why Black voting trends are as they are, etc…