
Video: How Can There Be Global Warming When It's Snowing Outside?

MadJadBad1/18/2010 12:06:03 pm PST

From the video:

We need to understand the larger perspective about our changing climate as well.

The science of global climate is vital for us to understand, if we are to pass along to our children a planet that is livable, diverse and abundant. It is the most important task this generation will undertake…

Here is some info to add to our perspective of the Earth’s climate.
The “Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum” was an unexplained global warming period that occurred about 55 million years ago. This was also a period where mammals and planktons flourished and rapidly diversified. The quote from the video implies that global warming will cause the Earth to be unlivable, less diverse and less abundant, when the geologic record shows that is not the case.