
Andy Schlafly/Conservapedia: Fox News Is Too Liberal.

ausador1/21/2014 8:06:45 pm PST

re: #5 Bridgeghazi: Never Forget!!11!!!!11

I think it also has to do with the fact that Andy seems to think that we are still fighting the cold war (or should be).

I suspect the reasoning also goes something like this:

Efran Ros Montt may have been a murderous thug at the time but he at least claimed to be an evangelical Christian who was fighting the Godless forces of Marxism. “Saint Reagan” actually visited Guatemala in Dec. of 1982 during some of the worst of the human rights abuses and proclaimed…

“President Ros Montt is a man of great personal integrity and commitment. … I know he wants to improve the quality of life for all Guatemalans and to promote social justice.”

…followed of course by supplying him with even more arms shipments, sigh. :(

Therefore since Reagan said Montt was one of the good guys in the war against the “evil empire.” And since Montt was smart enough to continue to at least pay lip service to evangelical Christianity, Andy sees him as O.K. too.

The fact that he used kidnapping, rape, torture, assassinations, and near genocidal extermination techniques against the indigenous population doesn’t matter in the least. Because he was “fighting on the side of the Angels” in Andy’s eyes and after having been blessed by Saint Reagan could not possibly have done any wrong.