
Glenn Greenwald: Fascism's Fellow Traveller

MFinn333312/20/2015 2:22:28 pm PST

What I can’t stand is that his narrative drives his reporting and that he brags about it.

He has supported Putin and Russia while they have turned it into a Prison Camp, like turning on “Pussy Riot” and accusing them of having an Orgy. Putin has cut off his country from HIV medicines that has resulted in 180,000 deaths and yet Greenwald keeps asking why his Critics call him a Putin Puppet.

I went from being a Glennbot to hating the guy in about a year. His framing of Asperger’s, while destroying the credibility of a critic, was “It’s a fashionable disease…” That was the moment I realized his fact checking and reporting were so full of half truths that the Minbari would have hated the guy.