
Radio host says Rapture actually coming in October

ausador5/23/2011 10:19:07 pm PDT

This is fucking bullshit! The entire prediction, the time line, the order of events, everything!

This man seemingly knows absolutely nothing about what the bible says about the rapture, the tribulation, or the millennium. He is so completely full of shit that anyone with even a basic amount of bible literacy should automatically dismiss him out of hand. His predictions have absolutely nothing, NOTHING, to do with the prophecy of the bible!

Once upon a time when you went to church the focus was on teaching the scripture, even to the children via more or less mandatory bible study. Now you go to church and get a feel good sermon lecture from the pastor/priest and get shooed on your way. I see it everyday in the utterly ignorant posts from people who call themselves Christian who have no grounding in the scripture whatsoever.

Yes the church is withering away, yes it is dieing, you might not think so because of the convulsive effort of the remaining faithful to reassert their authority that is happening now in the halls of government. You may be fooled by this show of strength, but why do you think they are becoming so manic to return to the “good old days?” It is because they see what most even fairly intelligent people inside the church see, that it is fading away day by day.

They could acknowledge that they have lost the track, that the emphasize has shifted to light shows and music video style entertainment along with feel good platitudes (and also simplistic messages of hate and bigotry against those not members of the fold) in the mega churches instead of teaching the actual words and deeds of Jesus. But no, for a generation or more now the church has become a caricature of itself, and often not a nice one. These scriptural illiterates are honestly baffled by their failure to convert people by telling them that they are disgusting filthy sinners and will burn in hell forever and ever, because God loves them…

Sigh…I am just so disgusted by these people. If you don’t want Christianity to be mocked and derided then act in a fashion that would preclude it, don’t try to pass laws to force people to think like you, it WONT EFFING WORK!!!

*steps down from soapbox*